When you think of a fire sprinkler system, you might think of the ceiling-mounted system that covers an area in water when it detects a fire. This is one system, called a wet pipe system, and it's automatic device that supplies pressurized water to the room or rooms a fire has been detected in.

Another type of fire sprinkler system is called a dry pipe system. This type of sprinkler system is used in buildings that are unheated, as well as in refrigerated coolers and other cooler areas. This system is the second most common, after the wet pipe system, but is more expensive to install and keep in good condition.
A third type of sprinkler system is known as a deluge system. With a deluge sprinkler system, the sprinklers are actually open, allowing a greater flow of water from the pipes to the affected area. This can help put out a larger area of fire than the previous two systems.
The pre-action system is meant to not only protect life and extinguish fires, but also protect property. These systems are used frequently in museums and in other places where rare or expensive materials are kept.
Interested in learning more about which type of sprinkler system is right for you? Get in touch with Brothers Fire, an experienced
Iowa fire protection company with over 10 years of experience. You can reach us by phone at (800) 607-2767.